Friday, October 1, 2010

the latests happenings

These are a few hearts I made for a piece I did in my social art class. I made a bunch of hearts and handed them out one by one in a brown bag with a postcard. The instructions were for that person to give the heart away to someone and then fill out the postcard which asked "who did you give your heart to? why?" and mail it to me/put it in my mailbox.

This is my last illustration project. It's for my brother :) I wanted to give it to him in person... but I don't think I can wait that long (!!!) sooo... I'm going to be creative and figure something else out. The colors are a little off and there are a few things I need to tweak, but here it is currently.

These oct-o-pie friends are something I'm currently working on for class,  I'll have more about them posted later :)

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